HODDS™ is an excellent substitute for chemical dispersants, has no limitations and can work in any weather. Also works in salt water at very low temperatures, with plants or plankton and is free of allergens, thereby causes no damage to flora and fauna.

Soil cleaning; 100% biodegradable

TOC™ is a product of “the same family” as HODDS™ but with more power scaling. With its new formulation a high cleaning power is achieved on the walls of oil storage tanks and high effectiveness in cleaning pipelines.

Tank and pipe cleaning without any hazardous chemicals

P.E.D. (Petroleum Ecologic Demulsifier).
Thanks to our R&D department has, we h ave developed a completely biodegradable product to perform a full demulsification of crude once extracted from underground.

D-GREASY™ is a product of vegetable origin and 100% biodegradable food industry focused. Its main mission is to remove any animal fat from any surface quickly and without applying it to high temperatures.